Hi there and thank you for stopping by! I am Marie, the photographer behind Marie Schrier Photography. I am a wife to Bryan and a mom to 3 sweet kids – Nicholas, Andrew, and Annabelle, and I also have a yellow Labrador retriever named Theodore and a black Labrador retriever named Luna. I love coffee, exercise, wine, sleeping, true crime podcasts, cooking, baking, traveling, and being outdoors. I am a true introvert with a great sense of humor who loves her family and friends.
A lot of people ask me how I got started in photography. I had always been obsessed with taking photos, even when I was in elementary school and high school. Most of the pictures my parents have of me and my siblings are ones I took with a film camera and had developed. I was that person who was always in everyone’s face with a camera. And I always remember that I was trying to freeze moments in my mind and take mental notes of beautiful details when I saw them. When it was time for college I actually enrolled and was accepted into an art school for photography, but then chickened out and went to school for accounting. I was a “math nerd” as my siblings called me, so it just made sense to go the accounting route. I graduated from Philadelphia University with my accounting degree and worked in that field for over 10 years. When Nicholas was born my love for photography was reignited, and over the course of the next few years, I slowly began teaching myself photography, documenting my children’s lives as they grew. I am still learning, and that is what I love about this art. It is never “finished” and there is always something inspiring me or new to learn. My brain is always swirling with ideas and flashes of images that I want to take. I have a special place in my heart for newborn photography, and imperfect emotive images with blur and dramatic light. I have included a place on this site solely for my personal work, as I feel it is important for my clients to see what else inspires me to pick up my camera. I have been in the business of taking clients officially since 2017.
I watched my mom battle cancer for 10 years and lost her in 2019. There has been nothing that has defined my life or my photography more than this. When someone is gone, all you have left are your memories, your love, and photos. They seem so obvious in the moment, but when you look back on them 10 or 20 years from now, I hope you can feel the love and connection that I captured in your images.